Wattpad – new #storytelling on the move

What’s Wattpad? Try to ask it to the new generations and teenagers and you will have all the details you need. It’s about the communication that is changing its way to provide stories to the world. It’s the new social network for the people who love to tell stories and use their mobile to do it. And share them, through the biggest community of readers in the world. Storytelling.

Wattpad - the social network for writers
Wattpad – the social network for writers

Through Wattpad people can write, share stories and interact with them. It’s a sort of blogging activity but you’re free to start your unlimited stream of consciousness – as only Virginia Woolf would start…

Stream of consciousness in a sketch :)
Stream of consciousness in a sketch  🙂


Its aim? To give users the chance to spread their stories in the world and become an official author or writer, even if not respecting the ordinary rules – as for example to write at least an amount of million’s crap or publish at least 10 novels and so on..

Wattpad - social network for authors
Wattpad – social network for authors

By the way, now there’s a new way to let your story be popular and meet millions of readers who can directly comment and share opinions with you. Just to give an example, Anna Todd has literally became one of the most popular author of the last years:

FROM WATTPAD SENSATION TO BEST-SELLING BOOK SERIES is written at the beginning of her website: she has been able to find the community she wanted, ‘a home really, with these people who were writing in the hours off of work, school, parenting, life, and I loved every second of it’ she wrote. And now she has hundreds of millions of reads!

The community of Wattpad has spread faster than you can imagine thanks to a new feature that wouldn’t be underestimated: the mobility. People can write while they’re on the bus, in the gym, on the sofa or while falling asleep: you can take your story with you everywhere and add pieces to a story little by little.


#NoteOFTheDay by Usman Riaz at TEDXBeaconStreet ‘Music & storytelling


Interactive Storytelling – Popular Apps to understand how it works

It’s a new trend that is spreading in the marketing and communication worlds. Storytelling or tell the stories is what commercials and newspapers do everyday, but now they’re doing it in a new different way. Interactive, because obviously you have to play with a story, live it and have an active role. Transmedia is the new word that we can add to the previous ones, and it’s worth to say that they go on very well: transmedia interactive storytelling, tell a story through images, pictures, videos, maps, people that you can experience and share.

We’re already in a cross-communication stage, because now the need is to reach people through several channels and make them feel into a total experience.

What I want to say is that it’s nothing so complex, you just need your story, your mobile – iPhone, iPad or whatever – and try to use the apps I’m going to list right now. That’s it! 

Here you are some examples of what Interactive Storytelling is: 

See New York Times – journalistic storytelling   

A story about passwords in everyday life
Howard tells his story
We can’t see him but we can listen to his story through his voice, watch a series of pictures appearing into his image and showing us his story: we can feel his lost numbers story about the 700 people he lost in his company on September 11th. Just try to imagine… 


Eleanor, shield number storytelling

Eleanor, who found a special protection in his husband shield number when he used to work in a police dept.


Alexandra, storytelling about her mom

Her password is like a new story in her life, with her children, after her mother’s death: passwords, secrets, tears you can hear while she speaks.  



Here you are some tips and apps you can explore that can help you to tell your stories: Medium, Adobe Slate, Pixotale for visual storytelling. Storehouse and Steller for basic tools to storytell.

New storytelling is the way we can interact with our readers, find your own way. Everybody has a story to tell, just choose to do it with all you can use: videos, pictures, labels, screenshots, signals, movies, cuts, interviews, songs, sounds, voices.

Animation Storytelling in 5 sketches

I built my story,
now check it and understand if it does make sense to you…or maybe not?!
Anyway, you can also build your own story 🙂

Animation Storytelling 1
Animation Storytelling 1
Animation Storytelling 2
Animation Storytelling 2
Animation Storytelling 3

Animation Storytelling 3
Animation Storytelling 4
Animation Storytelling 4
Animation Storytelling 5
Animation Storytelling 5

Crossmedia – Stories in between: narratives and medium @ play

Does anybody know about crossmedia?

A word that started to be popular some years ago.
A word that is a mix of CROSS and MEDIA, between media, among media, from a media to another. A word you can directly link to Henry Jenkins

Here you are a little world about this word, discover it if you fancy to know more.

It’s time to mention ‘Stories in between: narratives and mediums @play‘ – a unique text exploring the interplay between stories and media. The discussion focuses around the Myst narrative as it moves across media from games to books to comics to games. Along the way, the text also discusses the Sandman comics, and the hypermedia of Ultima Online and MitterNachtSpiel.

Schermata 2014-11-17 alle 22.36.56

A text that has been created hypertextually to exist online as a website with an inter-related book. A text about story-telling and video-games. A text written by Drew Davidson, the person who gave me the chance to enter this world that now is a trend.

Enjoy it!