What’s cooking? How to prepare ‘Italian pasta with seafood’ 

Good morning! It’s my last day off after my vacation, and I’m in Naples, hence nothing’s better than celebrate with a good lunch with freshly made pasta with seafood  (it is very common in this city to eat seafood on Sundays).

I’m going to describe you each step for cooking a great pasta with seafood, or more exactly ‘vermicelli by De Cecco‘ with venus clams, swordrazors and hardclams.

Enjoy this recipe!

Step 1everything you need is: little tomatoes (The perfect ones are ‘datterini‘) and a few persil, garlic and little chili peppers, vermicelli pasta and seafood:

datterini tomatoes and persil – directly from the market
vermicelli pasta by De Cecco
garlic and little chili peppers
seafood: venus clams, hard clams, swordrazors

Step 2: while preparing the above-listed ingredients in a pan, you can put some water to boil in a pot.

Put the seafood, with a little salt, garlic, persil and tomatoes in a pan and let them cook for some minutes until their shells open: this means they’re are ready to be eaten.  

salt in the seafood

seafood with shells open
waiting for boiling water
pan and pot

Step 3: mix the seafood in order to have a colorful and flavored result. In the meantime, as soon as you can see the boiling water, you can add some salt in the pot and then add Vermicelli: 

mix seafood

put salt in the boiling water
add vermicelli pasta
cooking pasta for less minutes than it’s shown
 …you need to know a little secret: everytime you cook pasta, you have always to let it cook in its water for less minutes than it’s written in their packaging, and then cook it for the remaining munutes in the dressing you chose. 

In this case, thanks to this step, you could cook pasta for some more minutes together in the pan with seafood. 
The results?