Have you heard the latest? Pokémon are coming back! Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Greninjam and them all are still alive and they’re coming back to influence our life, as they already did some years ago.

But this time is different, they are more than a cartoon on TV, they are around you and you can enjoy the ordinary life by looking at them and interacting with them, in a totally immersive environment. Yes, Pokémon hit the augmented reality game thanks to a new and totally captivating and fascinating app named Pokémon Go.

It is the only app that in a few days is already in the top chart of the App Store (it’s not on the top chart of Google Play, just because it will be available in the next days): it’s completely beating the porno market contents, Twitter, Candy Crush, Ingress and is now becoming a giant if compared to Snapchat.

Augmented reality (or AR) is used to describe the mix of reality and Internet elements, that is to say when virtual elements start to be part of the reality. AR has not to be confused with ARG, or alternate reality game, which is used to describe an interactive narrative game on multimedia platforms (have a look at Stories in between to find out more!).
Those are examples of augmented reality, the place in which you go thorugh your mobile device and you can discover more about what you see, discovering the details about the surrounding:
Thus, Pokémon Go is an AR game and it allows you to discover more about the place where you are and live in, augmenting the information about possible museums, streets, institutions, buildings, shops and parks in which you can go during your walks, together with your app:

…among the latest augmented reality games, it seem to be the winner, and still many countries do not yet have access. GO and catch them all 🙂
#NoteOfTheDay Pokémon ‘Gotta Catch Em All’ Theme Song